Celebrating World Health Day 2019
On by Tess Woolfenden
Celebrating World Health Day 2019 in the UK
Yesterday marked World Health Day 2019 where we joined the People’s Health movement UK, Medact and DocsNotCops in a day of creative action in Tower Hamlets, London. We had a great time engaging the local community in what health means to them and what changes they wanted to see in their area to #ReclaimOurHealth.
But it wasn’t just us in the UK coming together to mark the day. All across the world, people, communities and groups, engaged with the global People’s Health Movement, came together in solidarity to celebrate World Health Day and demand Health for All Now! Here is where all the action was taking place –

The focus of World Health Day this year was on Universal Health Coverage – the idea that everyone should be able to access good quality healthcare, irrespective of a person’s ability to pay. But around the world, we continue to see Governments and international institutions prioritise profits over people’s health by undermining our public health services and people’s ability to access them.
In the UK alone, we are witnessing first-hand the dismantling of our NHS and health services through privatisation and spending cuts. The Government’s hostile environment policies also contribute to health inequality by making it increasingly difficult for undocumented migrants to access much needed health services.
It does not need to be this way – a world is which everyone is able to realise their right to health is possible. Now, more than ever, we need to come together to demand that our governments prioritise our health over profits. It is time to #ReclaimOurHealth and demand Health for All Now!
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