News How will the language of Coronavirus shape how we rebuild society? Date posted: May 13, 2020 The language of COVID & building a fairer world Coronavirus Narratives
News Inequality: the underlying health condition driving the Coronavirus pandemic Date posted: April 7, 2020 Inequality in the time of Coronavirus Coronavirus poverty
News In the news: IMF chief calls for higher taxes on the wealthy & increased social spending Date posted: January 14, 2020 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) needs to go further to truly reduce inequality debt Policy poverty
News World Food Day: Strengthening nutrition services in Sierra Leone for mothers and children Date posted: October 16, 2019 This year marks a special World Food Day for Health Poverty Action as we launch our UK Aid Match appeal Happy Mums, Happy Tums to raise money for over 6,000 women and children in rural Sierra Leone so they can have better nutrition support. Sierra Leone UK Aid Match
News Addressing the root cause of ‘natural’ disasters like Cyclone Idai Date posted: October 13, 2019 We share updates on the aftermath of cyclone Idai in the Chimanimani district of Zimbabwe and explore why events like these can no longer be understood as 'natural' Climate crisis cyclone Idai
News Earth Strike! Demanding action to protect our planet Date posted: September 17, 2019 Join Health Poverty Action in supporting the Earth Strike on the 20th September 2019
News World Hepatitis Day Date posted: July 26, 2019 For World Hepatitis Day, we explore it's root causes and how we can expose and address them Hepatitis
News The gender club has made me bold Date posted: July 11, 2019 How children in Sierra Leone are speaking out about sexual health. Sierra Leone
News Anyone’s Child Day of Action Date posted: July 4, 2019 Lauren reports back from the Anyone's Child day of action
Events Event: Challenging the charity-industrial complex through language Date posted: April 29, 2019 Exploring the dominant narratives within the development sector through participatory conversation